Codemotion Rome 2019 Codemotion logo

Codemotion is an European Tech Conference devoted to software developers. Codemotion was created in 2007, and holds annual conferences in Rome, Milan, Madrid, Berlin, and Tel Aviv.

© 2019 Paolo Melchiorre CC BY-SA “Paolo Melchiorre's speaker badge at the Codemotion Rome 2019”
© 2019 Paolo Melchiorre CC BY-SA “Paolo Melchiorre's speaker badge at the Codemotion Rome 2019”

🏷️ Title

PyRoma #AperiTech Meetup

🗓️ Date

22nd March 2019

🗣️ Language

🇮🇹 Italian

📍 Location

Rome, Italy 🇮🇹

🔗 Web

🗒️ Abstract

PyRoma is a Python local group that organizes meetups in the Codemotion #AperiTech network. It’s a Free Software community about Python and all related technologies. It’s based in Rome but there are participants from different parts of Italy as well as from other communities like Django Girls to promote diversity.

🔃 Tweet

I presented my talk about #PyRoma #AperiTech meetup at #CodemotionRome19

CC @20tab @pyroma @pyconit @CodemotionIT @raffaelecox

#python #community

🗺 Map

🎥 Video

📊 Slides