Django Day Copenhagen 2022 Django Copenhagen logo

Django Day is brought to you by Django Denmark, an association formed in 2018 with the aim of creating and supporting education and networking activities in relation to The Django Web Framework.

© 2022 Paolo Melchiorre CC BY-SA “Paolo Melchiorre and Benjamin Balder Bach with Emil Kjer at the video station and the other participants at Django Day Copenhagen 2022 in Copenhagen (Denmark)”
© 2022 Paolo Melchiorre CC BY-SA “Paolo Melchiorre and Benjamin Balder Bach with Emil Kjer at the video station and the other participants at Django Day Copenhagen 2022 in Copenhagen (Denmark)”

🏷️ Title

Make the most of Django

🗓️ Date

8th April 2022

🗣️ Language

🇬🇧 English

📍 Location

Copenhagen, Denmark 🇩🇰

🔗 Web

🗒️ Abstract

Taking full advantage of Open Source software means getting involved in its community and contributing to its development. We will see how this is profoundly true in the Django case as well.

📜 Description

Django is one of the longest running open source web frameworks but despite this it is still one of the best around and continues to be actively developed.

Approaching such software can be intimidating to a novice developer as well as an experienced one because it is the result of over 15 years of excellent developers work and it would take a long time to get to know it thoroughly.

In this talk we will see together the way I found for anyone to take full advantage of Django while contributing to its success and that of its community.

🗺 Map

🎥 Video

📊 Slides